Best 5 WordPress Plugins To Reduce WordPress Website Loading Time

one of the most important factors in WordPress is website loading speed. After recent updates of Google’s ranking algorithm, Website loading time affect your website ranking on Google.If are you realize that your website loading time is more than other site then you can speed up your website loading time using WordPress plugins.If you need to verify that the given plugins are workable than you can  check your website speed  than install the plugin and then check your website loading speed.


verify that the given plugins are workable than you can  check your website speed  than install the plugin and then check your website loading speed.

Best WordPress plugins which helps to reduce website loading time

  • W3 Total Cache : W3 Total Cache is mostly used cache plugin in WordPress site. W3 Total Cache plugin automatic control cache of database objects, posts, pages, content and many more on your WordPress website.
  • EWWW Image Optimizer : EWWW Image Optimizer is mostly used plugin for WordPress website which contain couple of images. EWWW Image Optimizer plugin automatically compress high size format JPG & PNG into low size without reduce image quality.
  • Advanced Lazy Load : Advanced Lazy Load plugin main aim to speed us your WordPress website. This plugin is used in website which contain large amount of product. Using this plugin you can reduce your images loading time in long website. Using this plugin outside of viewport won’t be loaded before user scrolls to them.
  • WP-optimize : WP-Optimize is database cleanup and optimization plugin. WP-Optimize automatically identify redundant i.e. useless entries in your database and make it sleeker by removing them. Lesser rows mean faster queries which mean faster site loading ultimately.
  • Lazy Load for Videos : Lazy Load for Videos plugin is used for reducing loading time for website pages which contain video. This plugin automatically identify videos in your post and replace them with a static thumbnail which reduces your website loading time.

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